Cheeky Observer

Cheeky Observer is the pseudonym for Alicia McFadzean – a Sydney based artist and illustrator, working under the alias “Cheeky Observer”.

Alicia says:

“My work is grounded within the notion of storytelling, and the dynamic relationship human beings have with each other and with their natural surroundings.
Characteristically fluid, I like to focus on lines to create movement, and to weave a slightly dark, fantastical spin around my subject matter. I’m fascinated by lettering and typography; how the integration of different words or manipulated letter forms can add another different layer of complexity or meaning to the final product.

Working across a broad range of media, and both on small and large scales, every piece I create strives to stimulate thought, or inspire a tickle of emotion somewhere, in someone. My inspiration comes from a dynamic array of sources – mythology, fairytales, contemporary forms of street art, the natural environment, and most importantly, the human self.”

Historic Work

Contact Details

You can see more of Cheeky Observer’s work and contact her via: